design, build, play

About Tianyu

Tato and I found our tree house in Cambria, CA.

Hello! 你好。

My name is Tianyu Hu Lange (胡天宇), I am a Product and User Experience Specialist who is passionate about building sustainable businesses by creating meaningful experiences for customers.

In the past 8 years, I’ve worked on products ranging from smart gadgets, educational games, healthcare systems, online food marketplace, and VR platform. I’ve built my own startup, and I’ve also held badges from Google and Meta.

You probably don’t see many MBAs with portfolios but I’m proud to be one of the very few, it represents my unique background in creativity and business.

With my background in human-centered design, my training in business school, as well as my hands-on experience in product management and entrepreneurship, I look forward to solving more complex and meaningful problems with talented people like YOU!

Want to connect? Check out my resume here.

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